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Case Study

Finding Your Voice - A Breakthrough in Authentic Communication


Sarah (name changed for privacy) came to me for individual coaching because she was feeling deeply stuck. She often found herself misrepresenting herself in conversations, filling silent gaps with unrelated or shallow topics. This habit left her feeling inadequate and misunderstood, especially when communicating with certain individuals who intimidated her. Sarah recognized that these patterns were holding her back personally and professionally but didn’t know how to break free.


Over time, Sarah started to notice a profound shift. Instead of reacting to conversations with fear and overcompensation, she began approaching them with curiosity and confidence. She no longer felt the need to fill silences; instead, she allowed space for meaningful connections to emerge. Her communication became clearer, more intentional thoughtful, and aligned with who she truly is.

Sarah’s individual coaching journey can be traced through the process captured by the acronym FREE:


Face saboteur awareness by acknowledging the voices of her saboteurs, or inner critics, and understanding their origin.


Reframe the narrative by interrogating outdated beliefs and rewriting the story through self-compassion.


Engage the Sage voice to tune into the quiet wisdom that leads with authenticity and calm.


Embrace empowerment by stepping into new behaviors that reflect authenticity and integrity, releasing past limitations.


Today, Sarah communicates with clarity, confidence, and authenticity. She is able to drop the weight of feeling inadequate by pivoting from the “pleaser” form of her inner critic. Instead, she listens intentionally, responds thoughtfully, and connects meaningfully with those around her. Her transformation has improved her personal relationships and most importantly strengthened her sense of self.  She feels confident, connected with self and others, and empowered by the awareness of her Sage that can quell the voices of her saboteurs.

Image by Mathyas Kurmann


Sarah’s journey is a testament to the power of individual coaching. By facing her saboteurs and nurturing her sage voice, she was able to reclaim her sense of self and break free from the constraints of her past.

If you’re ready to feel FREE and unlock your true potential, let’s connect. Together, we can uncover the authentic voice within you and daringly create the life that you desire.

Coaching Process

Through our sessions, Sarah uncovered the root of her struggles. She realized that her need to fill silences and overcompensate stemmed from a long-standing inner critic, what we call a "saboteur." This critical voice, rooted in past experiences, reinforced feelings of inadequacy and drove her to seek external validation.


To counteract this, we worked on amplifying the voice of Sarah’s Sage, the calm, curious, courageous, intuitive, wise part of her inner self. Using visualization techniques, mindfulness practices, and role-playing, Sarah learned to pause, sit with moments of silence, and respond from a place of authenticity.


We also identified that her feelings of inadequacy weren’t truths but messages from a previous version of herself; they were shaped by childhood experiences and no longer apply to current Sarah. By recognizing this, she behan to reframe outworn thoughts and separate them from her present reality.

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